記者吳佩樺/台北報導 三星Galaxy S4上市不到1個月,昨日宣布全球銷量已破千萬台,是三星最熱賣的一款智慧型手機。 三星表示,S3目前全球銷售累積4千多萬台,上市當初要50天才能達到破千萬的成績,S4卻在短短不到1個月時間完成,平均1秒可售出4台。S4也於前幾日獲美國雜誌《消費者報導》評選為最佳智慧型手機,認為在拍照、簡易操作以及傳輸分享功能上最厲害,打敗其他機皇。 功能突出評分高 《消費者報導》是針對拍照品質、電池續航力、通訊品質、使用難易度、螢幕畫質等項目,評測多款手機,指出S4具備5吋Full HD螢幕、雙四核心處理器,觸控靈敏度以及多工作業能力值得被稱讚。多種拍攝模式增添拍照的實用性。懸浮功能則讓手機操作更簡易。加上Group Play娛樂分享技術,可快速和朋友分享音樂、玩對戰遊戲。在此次評選中,其次為LG Optimus G、新HTC One、三星Galaxy S3和蘋果iPhone 5。 體驗行銷天天抽S4 此外,台灣三星也對S4使用者進行調查,雙鏡頭拍照、懸浮手勢被公認最創新。16GB版從4月底在台上市,32GB版上週也宣布開賣,三星為了強化體驗行銷,消費者體驗手機即能參加天天抽S4、週週抽Note 8.0平板電腦,目前已抽出22台手機、3台平板,活動於5月底截止。三星說,S4除了現有黑、白色,未來將推出藍、紅、紫、棕四色,但台灣尚未確認上市時間。 大螢幕才是王道 根據GfK市調機構最新調查,台灣消費者偏好高階智慧型手機,高比例喜歡4.5吋以上的大螢幕;3成以上將四核心處理器列為採購條件之一,可見大螢幕、高效能仍是各家業者下代機皇的競逐焦點。GfK同時預估2013年台灣智慧型手機市場將成長至730萬台。 圖片提供/三星、HTC、LG、蘋果電腦 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 06:58
三星S4賣破千萬台 獲美評選最佳手機 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
- Oct 22 Tue 2013 06:58
小心智慧型手機 ! 一成兒童重度成癮 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
新頭殼newtalk 2013.07.15 邱珮文 林良齊/台北報導 兒童福利聯盟文教基金會今(15)日公布,針對台灣五至八年級學童手機使用狀況的調查結果。兒盟執行秘書黃韻璇指出,每10個擁有自己智慧型手機的孩子,就會有1人出現手機重度成癮的現象。 為了持續追蹤兒少使用手機的情況,兒盟繼2005年及2011年後,於今年再次調查台灣國小五、六年級及國中一、二年級生的手機使用狀況的調查。黃韻璇表示,成癮現象包括經常把手機放在身上或看得到的地方、出門沒帶手機會覺得沒安全感等現象。 調查結果發現,現今學齡兒童及青少年使用手機出現了三高現象,即為智慧型手機擁有率高、使用頻率高及APP下載率高。 近4成的兒童有智慧型手機,此外,13.9%週間每日使用超過3小時,19%周末每日使用超過5個小時。36%擁有智慧型手機的孩子,不到半小時就會把手機拿出來看一次;8.3%的兒童甚至不到5分鐘就會看一次手機。 此外,有31.8%有智慧型手機的孩子,在使用APP時將不認識的人加為好友。對此,黃韻璇表示,許多孩子缺乏自我保護觀念,隨意加陌生人為好友,並透漏個人隱私與關資訊給其他人知道,讓自己身處危險之中。她也建議家庭與學校能加強網路安全、媒體識讀的教育,增進孩子人身安全的自覺。 根據兒盟調查,iOS系統的APP有按年齡分級,Android的APP則是分成低、中、高3級,然而有高達63.1%孩子不知道原來APP有分級。但兒盟強調,分級卻只是標示作用,孩子依然可以下載;且許多僅符合低級的國中、小學生,都以為自己能夠下載中級的APP,而將可能接觸包含性愛、暴力的內容。 兒盟也指出,許多孩童在使用適合年齡的APP時,卻會跳出血腥或色情的廣告,使得分級制度如同虛設。 黃韻璇表示,欲防止孩子下載超齡APP,父母可以下載「家長監護裝置」,或者iOS和Android系統手機都可供手動設定篩選。她指出,有高達71.7%家長沒有規定孩子連續使用手機的時間,卻只有8%家長手機中裝有家長監護裝置。 黃韻璇強調,手機較屬於私人性物品,使用上比電腦更難管理,因此裝載監護軟體十分重要。她也呼籲政府有關單位能落實分級規範、研發免費監護軟體供家長使用、並加強宣導讓家長了解APP分級狀況。 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 06:58
邊充電邊說電話 iPhone 5電死空姐 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
一名即將結婚的大陸空姐因為邊充電邊講手機,結果遭到電流電擊後身亡。不過,網友質疑死者可能是拿仿冒充電器,因而遭電死。 中國南方航空23歲空姐馬愛倫,原定8月8日結婚,11日晚間卻使用正在充電的蘋果iPhone 5講電話,因此遭到當場電死。警方調查後,證實死者是因全身遭電流通過而死,家屬希望製造商蘋果(Apple)公司能夠給出合理回應。 一名自稱死者的姐姐,12日上午在新浪微博上公開妹妹死訊,指出手機是蘋果販售的正版iPhone 5,去(2012)年12月才購買,手機沒有超過保固期,且使用的是原廠充電器,並非盜版,希望能提醒民眾不要在手機充電時講電話。 死者家屬目前已將手機和相關配件交給警方,警方也證實,死者是遭電死,詳細責任歸屬仍有待釐清。 專家認為,手機充電時的電流約5伏特,相當4到5顆電池,如果漏電,頂多「感覺麻麻的」,手機或充電器有問題,再加上其他巧合因素才發生致命意外,部分大陸網友質疑死者拿的是「山寨版」充電器。 針對網友不相信原廠手機會電死人,甚至懷疑消息為假,這位自稱馬愛倫的姐姐,隨後在微博上公開妹妹和準妹婿的婚紗照,希望大家能重視事件的發生,不要討論原廠和盜版的問題。 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 06:57
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 04:26
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 01:56
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 01:55
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 01:55
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 01:55
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- Oct 22 Tue 2013 01:55
宏碁發表8吋Win8.1平板 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
(中央社記者羅秀文台北17日電)宏碁今天發表新款8吋Windows 8.1平板電腦Iconia W4,特色在於採用先進的觸控面板貼合技術,螢幕畫質更加明亮清晰,在戶外使用時可大幅降低螢幕反光,10月起陸續在全球上市。 宏碁表示,Iconia W4平板電腦配備8吋IPS觸控螢幕,採用Zero Air Gap真空薄膜技術,不僅螢幕更薄、色澤明亮度與飽和度更佳,在戶外或明亮處使用時,能大幅降低螢幕反光,明顯增加辨識度。螢幕解析度1280x800,搭配16:10的比例,欣賞影音娛樂更加賞心悅目。 Iconia W4內建微軟Office軟體(2013家用/學生版),採用最新Windows 8.1作業平台,可同時多工處理數個開啟的應用程式。配備英特爾Bay Trail 1.8 GHz處理器,並備有可錄製Full HD影片的前後雙鏡頭。重量415公克、厚度10.75公厘。 宏碁表示,Iconia W4電池續航力高,網路瀏覽狀態可連續使用10小時,在影片播放狀態下,可連續使用8小時。可搭配全尺寸的藍芽鍵盤,或是可凹折隨即變身為立架的保護套,使Iconia W4具有平板電腦的外觀,卻能提供個人電腦的便利性。 宏碁表示,Iconia W4預計10月起在北美、台灣及日本等地,陸續上市。1021017 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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- Oct 21 Mon 2013 23:14
Samsung Galaxy Mega I9152 5.8吋雙卡雙核智慧機(簡配公司貨) 網路價
:限時特惠熱賣: Samsung Galaxy Mega I9152 5.8吋雙卡雙核智慧機(簡配公司貨) 送8G+3000行電+OTG線 歷史價格波動
現在最低價只要:12490 價格隨時都會變,把握機會 |
- Oct 21 Mon 2013 23:14
Microsoft swallows Nokia's phone <wbr /
By Ritsuko Ando and Bill Rigby HELSINKI/SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp will buy Nokia's phone business and license its patents for 5.44 billion euros ($7.2 billion), a bold foray into mobile devices that also brings potential chief executive contender Stephen Elop back into the fold. Two years after hitching its fate to Microsoft's Windows Phone software, the Finnish phone maker that once dominated the global market collapsed into the arms of the U.S. software giant, its mobile business ravaged by nimbler rivals Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics. Shares in Microsoft slid as much as 6 percent in the afternoon, lopping more than $15 billion off the company's market value, as investors protested the acquisition of an underperforming and marginalized corporation that lost more than $4 billion in 2012. Retiring CEO Steve Ballmer is trying to remake Microsoft into a gadget and services company like Apple, a move that has not won the endorsement of all shareholders. Nokia CEO Elop, who ran Microsoft's business software division before jumping ship in 2010, will return to the U.S. firm to head up its mobile devices business just as the company's board considers a successor to Ballmer, who announced last week he will retire within a year. Elop, who presided over Nokia's market share collapse and a shriveling share price during his three years at the helm, is being discussed as a potential replacement because he remains respected and is considered one of the few who can fully grasp Microsoft's sprawling empire. But disgruntled Finnish media labeled him a Trojan horse who handed over the keys to one of the few remaining European technology powers. Nokia, whose market value topped $200 billion over a decade ago, will now concentrate on its networking equipment unit, navigation business and technology patents. The Nokia deal thrusts Microsoft deeper into the hotly contested mobile phone market, despite some investors urging it to stick to its core strengths of business software and services. Activist fund manager ValueAct Capital Management, which has been offered a board seat, is among those concerned with Ballmer's leadership and his attempts to plough headlong into the lower-margin, highly competitive mobile devices arena. "Adding to the cost structure when shareholders may be looking for steps in the other direction is not likely to be well received...," said Nomura analyst Rick Sherlund. "Perhaps a decision to repurchase stock and up the dividend would be a good idea right about now." Others applauded Ballmer's aggressive gambit. "Microsoft cannot walk away from smartphones, and the hope that other vendors will support Windows Phone is fading fast. So buying Nokia comes at the right time," said Carolina Milanesi, an analyst at Gartner. "In today's market it is clear that a vertical integration is the way forward for a company to succeed. How else could Microsoft achieve this?" As part of Microsoft, Elop will head an expanded Devices unit. Julie Larson-Green, who in July was promoted to head a new Devices and Studios business in Ballmer's reorganisation, will report to Elop when the deal is closed. CRUNCH TIME It is a pivotal moment for Microsoft, which still has huge revenues from its Windows operating system, Office suite of business software and Xbox game console, but has failed so far to set up a profitable mobile device business. Microsoft's own mobile gadget, the Surface tablet, has sold tepidly since it was launched last year. "We think we have made excellent, excellent progress with the partnership and yet we also know we have a long way go and felt on balance that together this is the best approach for both companies' shareholders," Ballmer told Wall Street analysts in a conference call to explain the deal early on Tuesday. Microsoft said it would make more than $40 profit on each smartphone it sells once it owns the Nokia business, as opposed to less than $10 now, due to development and marketing costs it pays to Nokia. However, it said the business would not be fully profitable until fiscal year 2016, and needs to sell more than 50 million smartphones a year to break even. Last quarter, Nokia sold 7.4 million smartphones. The deal leaves the Finnish company with Nokia Solutions and Networks, which competes with the likes of Ericsson and Huawei in telecoms equipment, as well as a navigation business and a broad portfolio of patents. In 2011, after writing a memo that said Nokia lacked the in-house technology and needed to jump off a "burning platform", Elop made the controversial decision to use Microsoft's Windows Phone for smartphones, rather than Nokia's own software or Google Inc's ubiquitous Android operating system. Nokia, which had 40 percent of the handset market in 2007, now has just 15 percent, and only 3 percent in smartphones. Shares in Nokia surged 34 percent to close at 3.97 euros by late Tuesday. While up from their decade-low of 1.33 euros hit last year, they are still only a fraction of their 2000 peak of 65 euros. After today's gains the whole company is worth about 15 billion euros, a far cry from its glory days when it reached over 200 billion euros. Tuesday's deal includes an agreement to license Nokia's patent portfolio for 10 years. Without it, Nokia's devices and services business would have been worth about 3.7 billion euros, the companies said. "It's very clear to me that rationally this is the right step going forward," Elop told reporters, though he added he also felt "a great deal of sadness" over the outcome. "I feel sadness because inevitably we are changing Nokia and what it stands for." SOLD FOR "PEANUTS" While some investors credit Elop for bringing urgency to Nokia, which has stepped up its pace of product development in recent months and is due to announce a "phablet" large-screen handset this month, his legacy will be a bitter one for Finland. The company, which began life as a paper mill and has sold an eclectic range of products from television sets to rubber boots in its 148-year history, was a national champion in its heyday, accounting for 16 percent of all exports. Hired by former chairman Jorma Ollila, Elop was Nokia's first foreign CEO. For many Finns, the fact that a former Microsoft executive had come to Nokia, bet the firm's future on an alliance with Microsoft, laid off about 40,000 worldwide and then delivered it into the software giant's hands, was a galling snub to national pride. "Jorma Ollila brought a Trojan horse to Nokia," a column in widely read tabloid Ilta-Sanoma said. "As a Finnish person, I cannot like this deal. It ends one chapter in this Nokia story," said Juha Varis, Danske Capital's senior portfolio manager, whose fund owns Nokia shares. "On the other hand, it was maybe the last opportunity to sell it." Varis was one of many investors critical of Elop's decision to bet Nokia's future in smartphones on Microsoft's Windows Phone software, which was praised by tech reviewers but hasn't found the momentum to challenge the market leaders. "So this is the outcome: the whole business for 5 billion euros. That's peanuts compared to its history," he said. Alexander Stubb, Finland's Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade, said on his Twitter account: "For a lot of us Finns, including myself, Nokia phones are part of what we grew up with. Many first reactions to the deal will be emotional." Nokia's new interim CEO Risto Siilasmaa painted a picture of just how grudgingly the call to sell had been arrived at, describing how the board had met almost 50 times after the approach by Microsoft around February. Ballmer, at a news conference in the Finnish capital, sought to assuage fears the deal would hit jobs in the Nordic country and said Microsoft would build on the recent growth of Nokia's flagship Lumia smartphones. Nokia said it expected around 32,000 people of its roughly 90,000 staff to transfer to Microsoft, including about 4,700 who will transfer in Finland. FIRE SALE Analyst Tero Kuittinen at consultancy Alekstra said the sale price of Nokia's phone business, about a quarter of its sales last year, represented a "fire sale level." Others were less clear about what a shrunken Nokia was worth. The price agreed for the devices and services business gives it an enterprise value of about 0.33 times sales for a loss-making business, about half what Google paid for Motorola's handset business in 2012. "What should be paid for a declining business, where market share has been constantly lost and profitability has been poor?" said Hannu Rauhala, analyst at Pohjola Bank. "It is difficult to say if it's cheap or expensive." Nokia remains the world's No. 2 mobile phone maker behind Samsung, but it is not in the top five in the more lucrative and faster-growing smartphone market. Sales of Nokia's Lumia phones have helped the market share of Windows Phones in the global market climb to 3.3 percent, according to consultancy Gartner, overtaking ailing BlackBerry Ltd for the first time this year. Still, Google's Android and Apple's iOS make up 90 percent of the market. Credit default swap spreads on Nokia tightened by more than 30 basis points to around 200 basis points after the news, meaning it now costs $200,000 to insure $10 million worth of Nokia debt, which is rated junk due to worries about its shrinking cash position and market share. Nokia said it expected that senior executives Jo Harlow, Juha Putkiranta, Timo Toikkanen, and Chris Weber would transfer to Microsoft when the deal is concluded, probably in the first quarter of 2014. Goldman Sachs acted as financial advisor to Microsoft, while JP Morgan advised Nokia, according to people close to the deal. Law firm Simpson Thacher represented Microsoft, while Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom represented Nokia, they said. ($1 = 0.7582 euros) (Additional reporting by Terhi Kinnunen, Jussi Rosendahl and Niklas Pollard; Editing by Peter Graff, Will Waterman and Tim Dobbyn) 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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- Oct 21 Mon 2013 23:14
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- Oct 21 Mon 2013 23:14
小米推智能手機小米3及智能電視 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
剛獲谷歌前副總裁巴拉(Hugo Barra)確認加盟的小米,推出全新智能手機小米3及47吋3D智能電視。 小米3配備5英吋高清螢幕,1300萬像素後置鏡頭及200萬像素前置鏡頭,有多種顏色外殼供選擇。機身重量145克,厚度為8.1mm,16GB版售價1,999元人民幣,64GB版售價2,499元人民幣,10月中開賣。 另外小米亦推出智能電視,電視屏幕供應商為LG及三星,可無線投射圖片、視頻及音樂,支援藍牙4.0及WiFi雙頻。電視配備簡便遙控器,方便用家操作。售價2,999人民幣。10月中開賣。(na/t) |
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